‘Tis the Season…

To be stressed out! Seriously. I think the holiday season has to be in the top spot for being the most stressful time of year. This is not going to be one of my typical history-infused posts. If you’re looking for a well-researched, in-depth piece that provides historical perspective for a key issue, try this post, or this post, or maybe even this one.

No, this post is going to be full of ranting and venting from a crazed mother who is listening to her two toddlers screaming their heads off while she tries to write. (Don’t worry their father is watching them.) With that being said, please forgive any typos. I have a small window of time to get this thing done.

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Pieces to the Puzzle: Releasing the JFK Files

My husband was away for an intense two-week business trip, so I was left to care for our two wonderful, but utterly demanding toddlers on my own. Needless to say, life has been hectic. In the midst of the craziness, I have been intending to write a piece on the Watergate Scandal and its implications for the Russia investigation that is entangling our current president. Yet, something tremendous has happened over the past week and its historical importance demands our attention. (I know, I know; I keep promising a Watergate post. I will get to it, I promise!) But, first, let’s discuss the 2017 release of the JFK records.

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Looking Forward…

Well, it’s been a crazy October so far. Family visiting, trip to the Maryland Renaissance Fair, and a visit to Chuck E. Cheese! Today, my partner is leaving for two weeks, so for I’ll be caring for the kids singlehandedly. Wish me luck! It’s going to be a NUTHOUSE.

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An Island in History

This past August my family and I traveled to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina (HHI). It was an over ten-hour drive from where we live in Maryland. I will just add that such a long car ride with two toddlers is a form of hell that I hope most people will never, ever have to experience. Not to mention that my daughter came down with a horrible ear infection and a MRSA infection in her foot that then spread to my husband’s leg.

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I’ll be back…

I’m taking the rest of August off from posting articles. I have my hands full with potty training and family vacations.

But, I’ll be back by September with fresh pieces on the history of Hilton Head Island, the watergate scandal, and fascism.

Until then, please read this piece I wrote on the myths and legacies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. With all the talk about “fire and fury,” nuclear history is more important than ever right now. In nuclear war, no one wins. NO ONE.